Partner Migration

"Are you now in a long-distance relationship with your partner? Do you want to bring your partner to stay together with you in Australia or New Zealand? Well, then you should consider applying for New Zealand or Australian Partner Visa."

New Zealand & Australian Partner Visa Application Process...

Plan Your Migration Process Professionally

Schedule an appointment with our licensed adviser or migration agent to discover the visa option best that suits you and plan the step by step strategy.

Get Your Plan Going

Together we will make your migration dream come true by crafting a decision-ready partner visa application for you or your partner which results in an improved chance of being granted a partner visa.

Live Your Dreams

Enjoy your dreams that have now become true. You are now reunited with your partner in Australia.

Different Partner Visa Pathways

Prospective Partner Visa

If you have just met or being introduced to eachother, you might be able to unite with your prospective partner, provided you could meet the eligibility requirements.

Married Couple

Congratulation on your marriage! Now it is the time to meet the requirements to live as a married couple in Australia or New Zealand.

De Facto Relationship

If you are in a stable and exclusive partnership without a Marriage or Partnership Certificate, then you are required to meet a different eligibility requirements.

Long Term Relationship

Are you in a long term, exclusive and genuine wedlock or de facto relationship outside of Australia & New Zealand? You may be eligible for a more convenient pathway. How does is sound?